25: Audrey enters the room, and the Professor doesn't want her around. She says she'll pay, she wants to be a lady and she's willing to pay for voice lessons. Pickering asks her name and she says her name is Eliza Doolittle. He asks her to sit. The birth of something new.
45: Eliza's father sings "with a little bit of luck" before and after he becomes aware that her daughter is no longer living in her apartment and is living with a professor. Now that I'm aware.
60: Eliza fantasizes about Professor Higgins being marched before a firing squad and shot. She and Higgins look at each other. He says "A" and she mispronounces "A" three times. There's no going back now.
-45: Eliza and Higgins have just had an argument. Eliza searches for a ring in a fireplace hearth and places it on her finger. She says that Higgins will be sorry one day, that he'll be hurt and have no one. Tearfully, she removes a ring and goes outside as a young suitor sings "on the street where you live." Discovery.
-25: Pickering is on the phone with the police to find the whereabouts of Eliza. Higgins asks, "What prompted her to go?" Pickering makes a Whitehall call to a friend. Higgins begins to sing "why can't a woman be more like a man?" Eventually, Eliza and Higgins get back together. The final turning point.