Kung Fu Panda

25: Po punches a bag as Shifu and the furious five observe. For the first time Po is seen training. He gets hurt by training devices. Birth of something new.

45: Shifu and Oogway discuss the illusion of control. Oogway tells Shifu that to guide and nurture Po he must believe in him. Oogway dissolves into pink leaves and floats away to become part of the starry sky. Now that I'm aware.

60: Tai Lung defeats the furious five in a battle on the bridge. There's no going back now.

-45: Po shows resilience as he is beaten by each of the furious five. He bounces down the steps vowing he won't quit. During acupuncture Po wonders if Shifu is trying to get rid of him. Discovery.

-25: Po starts to reveal mastery as he struggles to get the dumpling with his chopsticks during intense training with Shifu. The final turning point.