Blades of Glory

25: Chazz and Jim are in a jail cell, Coach proposes something new: that they skate as a pair: "Two men skating together?" The birth of something new.

45: Jimmy and Katie meet and exchange compliments, they realize they are attracted to one another. The two antagonists Stranz and Fairchild realize Jimmy and Chazz are a threat, Jimmy and Chazz become aware after seeing their scores that: "We're going to Montreal..." Now that I'm aware.

-45: 1:32 - 45 = 47: Chazz shows Jimmy his tattoos and doesn't want to talk about the wolf tattoo. This is the first time Chazz and Jimmy bond as friends as Jimmy learns more about Chazz's relationships. At the end of the movie, Chazz will show Jimmy his new Jimmy tattoo to show that Jimmy's part of Chazz's wolf pack. Discovery

60: Jimmy receives an invite card from Katie to join him in a hotel room later that evening, Chazz attends a sex addict discussion group, Jimmy finds Chazz and Katie in the hotel room together. Katie goes through turmoil because of her feelings for Jimmy. Chazz goes through turmoil to maintain Jimmy's friendship. There's no going back.

-25: 1:32 - 25 = 1:07: Chazz is in bed, Jimmy sleeps, Coach calls, Chazz is late for the final skating performance. In the taxi, Chazz is attacked by Stranz. Fairchild steals handcuffs and stalks Jimmy. The final turning point.