Schindler's List

25: Schindler says "That's the point I'm trying to make. Poles cost more. Why should I hire Poles?" He's not thinking about the Jews as people, he's thinking about them in terms of helping him make more money. The next scene is Itzhak Stern talking to a group of Jews to let them know Schindler is offering something new: employment. The birth of something new.

45: Schindler starts to differ with the Germans about his employees. German officer: "A one-armed machinist, Oskar?" Schindler replies "He was a metal press operator. Quite skilled." Schindler's realizing people are being killed and he can make a difference. Now that I'm aware.

60: The liquidation of the Ghetto is gearing up, at 60 we're inside a hallway and the murdering begins: A man is backed up, put on the floor, stepped on, and shot in the head. We watch the blood pour onto the floor. There's no going back now.

-45: Itzhak Stern holds up the list: "The list is an absolute good. The list is life." Discovery.

-25: Oskar saves Jewish children, walks with Jewish people, and warns the German guards not to shoot his workers. The final turning point.