Wall Street

25: Protagonist receives $1 million check from antagonist, he's entered the world of being rich. The birth of something new.

45: At party, protagonist meets romantic interest. Antagonist gets call from a competitor and learns that he's arriving soon. Antagonist informs protagonist of the confrontation. Later in the story the protagonist will contact this competitor to help him defeat the antagonist. Now that I'm aware.

60: Protagonist talks with his father, gives him money, says his secretary will call him to set up dinner. The father realizes his son has changed. There's no going back now.

-45: "Greed is good" speech. Discovery.

-25: "Are you with me?"/"I'm with you." Protagonist is aware his father's company is going to be liquidated if nothing is done. He's realizing he's made a huge mistake. The final turning point.