Cassandra's Dream

Cassandra's Dream is 1:45 long, so 60 and -45 are the same. Notice how important the moments in 60 and -45 are: the story is about two brothers killing an innocent man. The two brothers start to do the things necessary to kill that person at 60 and -45.

25: Ian learns that his brother Terry owes 90,000 pounds and they both agree he's in real trouble. The birth of something new.

45: They discover that their uncle wants to kill someone and the situation escalates: Ian and Terry agree to kill someone. Now that I'm aware.

60 and -45 (145 - 45 = 60): They agree on where and how they will kill him: they'll break into his home and shoot him in the head. They get a car, observe their target, and break into his home. There's no going back now. Inside the home they discover that their victim has company. They postpone the murder. Discovery.

-25: Intense emotions as Terry confesses to Ian that he regrets the murder so much that he can't go on. Ian tries to reassure Terry but Terry believes he's crossed a line and is going to die. Later in the story there's talk of a Greek tragedy. At the end of the movie they both die. The trend toward how this story will end begins here. The final turning point.