Army of Shadows

25: Inside the Majestic hotel, Philippe and another prisoner wait for their chance to escape. Philippe stands, walks up to a guard and asks for a cigarette. He then grabs the guard's knife and sticks the knife in the guard's throat. They both run and Philippe escapes. He runs several blocks in the snow and hides inside a barber shop. The owner asks him what he wants and Philippe says he wants a shave. He gets a shave. The birth of something new.

45: Philippe meets with a colleague in the French Underground at a talent agency. They need to get allied soldiers and the big chief out of the country. They need someone to assist and we follow this assistant as he exits a train and manages to get a radio past the Nazis. Now that I'm aware.

60: The big chief gets in a rowboat and the assistant rows him toward a waiting submarine. The big chief is his brother who he met earlier. There's no going back now.

-45: Philippe observes a baron's horses walking to a barn. In VO, we learn that the baron and his men were shot without trial. Three members of the French Underground try and fail to rescue two of their colleagues who have been tortured - one is about to die from torture. Discovery.

-25: Philippe lines up with other prisoners and told to run toward a wall. Nazi machine gunners fire at the runners. A smoke bomb hides Philippe's whereabouts and a rope is thrown his way. He escapes over a wall. Eventually, we learn that all of these heroes are to be killed in one way or another. An uncompromising vision from a director who was part of the French Underground. The final turning point.