
Good writing to set up Liam's character so we understood why he resorted to the violence to get back his daughter. Good camera work, especially quick cuts of flashback moments as Liam examines the apartment where the girls were taken. Good editing/pacing of fights and car chases.

25: Liam (Bryan) talks to his daughter Kim over the phone. Kim tells her father men have entered the apartment and taken Amanda. Liam gathers info and after listening to his daughter scream he warns the kidnapper with memorable lines: "I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you." The birth of something new.

-45: (128 -45 = 43): Liam talks too much to a prostitute to provoke an Albanian pimp. Liam places a listening device on the pimp and along with a translator listens in on a conversation. Discovery.

45: Via an Albanian interpreter, Liam discovers that his daughter could be the "fresh merchandise" at a construction site. At the site, he enters a small prostitution enclosure, finds his daughter's jacket, fights off attackers, and escapes with the young woman who had the jacket. Later, the young woman provides new information, sending Liam to a new location. Now that I'm aware.

60 and -25: Liam pretends to be a government official extorting money from his daughter's kidnappers. He receives money from them and asks them to interpret something in Albanian. He hears one of the kidnappers say "good luck" and knows he's talking to the same man he warned he'd find and kill. Liam kills nearly all of them and searches many rooms. He find Amanda, Kim's friend, dead. Eventually, Liam finds his daughter and takes her back to Los Angeles. There's no going back now and The final turning point.