Blue Velvet

25: Jeffrey drives Sandy home. They plan to meet later to discover what's behind the mystery of the ear and have an "interesting experience." They listen to Dorothy, the "blue lady" sing Blue Velvet. The birth of something new.

45: He's hiding in the closet as Frank (Dennis Hopper) breathes in oxygen and fondles and tortures Dorothy. We learn that Hopper has kidnapped her son and husband. Now that I'm aware.

60: He follows Frank and others in his car. He sees the name Frank Booth on a mailbox. At school, Sandy's beau sees her get in Jeffrey's red convertible. They go to a diner. He tells her what he's done: He's photographing and following Frank's movements. He discovers someone he calls the yellow man. There's talk of murder and drugs. Sandy asks him why he's tracking Frank. "I'm seeing something that was always hidden." He kisses her. There's no going back now.

-45: Jeffrey is kidnapped by Frank and his friends, they arrive at a house. A party where they keep Dorothy's son. Strange, dangerous people. Suave Ben, Frank's explosive anger. "I can make him do anything I please." Ben punches Jeffrey. They let Dorothy see her child. Jeffrey can hear Dorothy talk to her son. A handheld light as Ben lip syncs to In Dreams I Walk With You by Roy Orbison. Discovery.

-25: He takes her home. He waters the lawn in his shades. He visits his dad in the hospital. He arrives at Sandy's parent's house and sees the yellow man, who we learn is a policeman. Sandy's dad is a detective, he warns Jeffrey not to react. They hide the truth from Sandy. Eventually, Dorothy's child is freed and Jeffrey and Sandy get together. The final turning point.