Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

This was a very funny movie. If you're an actor it's a must see.

25: She just slammed the door on him after he failed to adequately explain why he slept with someone else. "Day 2 Lady in the Lake" fades up and we go to Bear Lake where Robert starts his new career as a private detective with Val. The birth of something new.

45: Robert and Michelle sit at a diner talking about who killed her sister. They watch a news report about a dead body found on the street that used to be in the lake and Robert's bathroom. Now that I'm aware.

-45: 138 - 45 = 53: He arrives at the party buzzed with drugs because a doctor just reattached his finger. Michelle wears a cute Santa hat. Robert talks about why many women living in SoCali are different. Val dodges a drink. Discovery.

-25: 138 - 25 = 113: They're in bed, he's about to leave because he's turned on and she keeps him there and they kiss. In a few moments she discovers something that helps solve the movie. The final turning point.