The Seven Samurai

25: The veteran samurai Kambei (played by Takashi Shimura), has a new follower Katsushiro after the youth begs to be his disciple. Kikuchiyo (Toshiro Mifune) stands between the veteran and the disciple and a group of farmers who need protection. The birth of something new.

45: A newly hired samurai recruits the light hearted and amusing woodcutter samurai. When the woodcutter becomes aware that they will take on thirty bandits he misses the wood. We then watch Kyūzōa, a serious, magnificent samurai, win a duel. We become aware of who these seven samurai are and discover that they have different personalities. Now that I'm aware.

60: Mifune is drunk as the samurai who committed to the fight against the bandits prepare to leave the town and head for the farm where some of them will die. "Is he really a samurai?" asks one of them. Mifune will eventually prove that he really is a samurai. There's no going back now.

-45: Everyone waits to find out what happened with Kyūzōa. Kyūzōa returns with a gun and says "Two more down." Everyone marvels at Kyuzoa's accomplishment. Katsushiro approaches Kyuzoa and says "You are a magnificent person." Discovery.

-25: Kyūzōa speaks with his men and then confers with Kambei. Kambei: "Next time they come, we fight to the finish." He's right. The final turning point.