Sugarland Express

Notice that at 45, 60, and -45 the stolen police car is not on the freeway, it's parked.

25: Lou Jean and Clovis have stolen a police car and the police are beginning to understand that one of their officers has been kidnapped. The birth of something new.

45: The car isn't moving, it's the portable toilet scene. Police cars are all over the place. Clovis realizes something: "We're in real trouble." Now that I'm aware.

60: A chopper arrives and Lou Jean's father tries to communicate to his daughter. The car is parked, the kidnapped officer is in the backseat. There's no going back now.

-45: The kidnapped officer has been listening to Lou Jean's father, who reveals himself to be unloving and unsupportive. The officer to Lou Jean: "I know you're alright, that you're a good woman at heart..." Discovery.

-25: The officers with rifles arrive at the house where the child is located. The officers will eventually kill Clovis. The final turning point.