
25: He follows her to the museum where she sits in front of Carlotta's portrait. He notices the flowers and hair style match. The birth of something new.

45: He sees her in a red bathrobe. She wants to know why she's there. He tells her she fell in the bay. He becomes aware how beautiful she looks, he looks at her as if in love. Now that I'm aware.

60: Redwood forest. He finds her against a tree, he asks her many questions. Tension, turbulence. Later, by the water, he tells her that since he saved her he's now responsible for her and he's "committed" to her. She talks about dying. A few minutes later they kiss by the water. There's no going back now.

-45: He's found not guilty and his old "friend" says he's going to get away and never come back, then says, "You and I know who killed Madeleine." Roger then visits her grave and the screen turns black. Roger starts to have nightmares and loses his grip on reality. He enters a clinic. Discovery.

-25: They have their first date, he sees a woman in a grey outfit like Madeleine's. She knows what he wants. Back at her place he asks her out and tells her he wants to take care of her. She refuses because she knows she reminds him of Madeleine. She agrees to see him. The final turning point.