Saving Private Ryan

25: They were getting killed on the beach, but after incredibly intense fighting they have secured the beach. The birth of something new.

45: Talk of the mission and how they realize they may die because of their mission to save Ryan. Now that I'm aware.

60: Tom Hanks thinks he's found Ryan but it's the wrong man. They continue onward, battling and dying as they try to find Ryan. There's no going back now.

-45: They prepare to battle: a machine gun is lifted into the tower, they create mud sock bombs, mines are gathered, they establish their final fall back position known as Alamo. Notice the row of "X"s on the ground, indicating future deaths. Discovery.

-25: Ryan nearly killed by tank fire. A deadly gun kills a group of US soldiers on the tank. The killing continues, including Tom Hanks' character. The final turning point.