
25: Brendan looks at his dead ex-girlfriend, we see some of the same shots that started the movie. He hears someone and runs into the darkness. He's hit and floored. Several fades to black as he walks and meets his friend Brain in the library. Brain will help Brendan throughout the movie. The birth of something new.

45: Brendan arrives in a room where The Pin sits. The Pin has one foot much larger than the other. He has a cane. They threaten each other and Brendan is knocked out by Tugger. Now that I'm aware.

60 and -45: Brendan exits a van. Brendan runs to a phone booth and answers the phone. It's the guy that floored Brendan when he ran into the dark tunnel. The voice says he wants to see Brendan sweat. Brendan and The Pin walk along the beach. There's a shot of the sun and the rays are hitting The Pin much the same way they hit Brendan's ex-girlfriend when they shouted at each other on the field. There's no going back now.

-25: Tugger shoots Dode dead near the dark tunnel. Brendan awakens and Tugger talks to him about what's true. Tugger says Laura says Brendan should sleep. Eventually, Brendan will learn something about Laura that helps resolve the story. The final turning point.