District 13

Lots of excellent stunts in this movie, if you like seeing guys jumping from great heights and climbing and hopping to and from this that and the other thing you'll like this one.

25: Behind a counter in a grocery store hides a casino. An undercover cop takes on all comers. The birth of something new.

-45 (120 - 45 = 35): The undercover cop learns a powerful bomb will explode in 24 hours. He says he needs more time. He's told a local guide will help him if he can convince him. It's Leito, the escape artist. Discovery.

45: Leito becomes aware there is a huge bomb that will soon explode and kill millions. Now that I'm aware.

-25: (120 - 25 = 55): The undercover cop bluffs about the money; authorities refuse to transfer the money. The cop tells Leito the authorities think he's worthless. The speak of values they both fight for. Eventually, Leito and the undercover cop trick authorities and go public with their plan to kill citizens. The final turning point.

60: The boss learns he's lost all his money. He's gunned down by his gang. There's no going back now.