Burn After Reading

25: Katie and Harry discuss something new: Katie is going to leave her spouse and wants to know if Harry will do the same so they can get married. Harry looks uncertain. At the gym, Chad shows Linda something new: a CD a colleague found. Chad believes the CD has "raw intelligence" and is "highly classified." The birth of something new.

45: The meeting between Ozzie and Chad ends in a bloody nose for Chad. Chad realizes he's not going to get money for the CD. Now that I'm aware.

-45: Plan B: Linda drives into the Russian embassy and along with Chad discuss the CD with the Russians. They want money for the CD. The Russians take the CD and start an analysis. Discovery.

60: Chad breaks into Katie's brownstone and reads Harry's credit card info. Harry jogs, realizing he's still being followed. Harry enters Kate's house and Chad hides in the closet. Soon, Harry shoots Chad dead. There's no going back now.

-25: Two CIA guys discuss the Russians, Linda, Harry, the sex, the shooting, surveillance, what happened to Chad's body, and come to the conclusion they don't know what anybody's after. These same two guys give another "clear it all up for us" report that ends the movie "when it all makes sense." The final turning point.